Solar Water Heaters

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Solar Water Heaters

Solar Water Heater is another successful product which has been getting much attention due to its benefits (Free Hot Water).

We Offer Two Types of Solar Water Heaters:

1. Flat Plate Collector (F.P.C)

2. Evacuated Tube Collector (E.T.C)

The major difference between these system is cost, efficiency and construction


Evacuated Tube Collector works on a simple principle called ‘Black body heat absorption principle’. Solar water heating systems using vacuum tubes made of borosilicate glass with special coating to absorb the solar energy are Termed as “Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) type systems”.
ETC type Solar Water Heaters are more efficient and cost effective.


Flat Plate Collector is a metal box with a glass or plastic cover (called glazing) on top and a dark-colored absorber plate on the bottom. The sides and bottom of the collector are usually insulated to minimize heat loss.
FPC system costs more and is less efficient as compared to ETC. But the construction is rugged and it can withstand all water pressures.


Efficiency - ETCs have higher efficiency in comparison to FPCs.

Heat Generation - ETCs generate heat faster than FPCs

Temperature Range – ETC’s water heating temperature range between 60 and 120 degree Celsius, in comparison to FPCs which range between 60 and 80 degree Celsius.

Maintenance – The maintenance cost of ETCs is low as the tubes can be cleaned easily whereas the tubes in FPCs are smaller and cannot be cleaned easily resulting in a loss of efficiency over time.

Cost – ETCs are cheaper than FPCs.

Life - Both products have a lifespan of 15 years.